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Is Organic just a fad?

Here is a quick little blurb on how we really feel about Organic Food..

Ok so first of all, what does the term ‘Organic’ really mean?

The USDA’s definition of Organic is as follows: “USDA certified organic foods are grown and processed according to federal guidelines addressing, among many factors, soil quality, animal raising practices, pest and weed control, and use of additives. Organic producers rely on natural substances and physical, mechanical, or biologically based farming methods to the fullest extent possible.” (usda.gov)

Studies have shown that organically grown food contains higher amounts of vitamin C, and other vital vitamins, minerals & antioxidants. Which in turn benefits our immune system, helps fight inflammation and other diseases. 

But, are all foods labeled Organic the same?

No. So, here is some advice on reading labels:

- ‘100% Organic’: 100% of ingredients are organic, with 100% organic processing. 

- ‘Organic’: 95% or more of ingredients are organic, some chemical additives approved by USDA may be used in processing. *

-’‘Made with Organic Ingredients’: Raw or processed products containing 70% to 90% certified organic ingredients. The standard labeling statement and cannot be used outside the ingredients panel on the label. 

- ‘Multi-ingredient products with below 70% organic ingredients’: Raw or processed products containing below 70% certified organic ingredients. May only contain indications that an ingredient is organic on the ingredient list, but cannot be labeled as Organic. (usda.gov)

Just by reading these labels, we can see that even grouping the degrees of the processing and additives; just goes to show how much our food can be concentrated with these potentially harmful substances. 

But Organic is so expensive. Yes, and it isn’t getting any cheaper. In the long run, the negative effects of disease and aging will most likely cost us more, than if we don’t start putting our bodies into preventative mode. We think… it is worth budgeting on other things- rather than your health, isn’t it? 

Check out Glowing Plant-Based Eatery, where we use 100% Organic Produce.