Quick Read: What is ‘Lab grown’ meat.
How is it… made?
Scientists will use an organism’s stem cells and then these are placed in petri dishes with amino acids and carbohydrates to help the muscle cells grow. Once cultivated enough, this will resemble and taste like meat.
Is cultured meat more “environmentally friendly?”
Too soon to say, but already it is looking to be more eco-friendly. Compared to the way we source other types of meats, it already requires 45% less energy, and 99% less land and produces 96% less greenhouse gas emissions.
Health concerns?
Again, not enough data. But… like most things once they become popular, and in high demand– they tend to become over- produced. Companies then begin to cut corners to save on: cost and to increase production rates. Also, lab grown meat is said to have the same Nutrional value, as regular meat. It can be altered however, and be cultivated to be more nutritious and maybe fill those population vitamin and mineral deficiency gaps.
How sustainable is this?
How quickly and in what quantities can this lab grown meat cultivate? Google says about 2-8 weeks. There are conflicting and unsupported data on whether this will be a sustainable way to eat meat.
Only time will tell…
Check out all of our Plant-Based Meat alternatives, here at Glowing Plant-Based Eatery & Market