The Benefits of Drinking Celery Juice.

It’s 2018, and your hippie neighbor just told you he is moving to Thailand, and also can’t stop talking about how celery juice has changed his life for the better. Well, my friend, he was probably right! And although it isn’t 2018, and the Celery Juice hype faded like a tie die t-shirt; the benefits of celery juice, are not going anywhere. Here are 3 reasons why you should be drinking celery juice; but unfortunately, we have no facts about Thailand. 

  1. Great source of Vitamins and Minerals!

Celery has a great laundry list of vitamins- vitamins K, C and A, and many others. A nice glass of celery juice in the morning will replenish you with so many of the necessary vitamins and minerals to help boost your energy and immune system throughout the day.

  1. It’s great for your skin

If you follow Medical Medium, like us, you will know how much he advocates for celery juice being a great healing tonic for your skin. It’s anti-inflammatory effects, alongside being hydrating; celery juice has proven many times that it has healed acne and reduced the appearance of scars. 

  1. It’s Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation is the root of all diseases. Celery has properties that have been proven to reduce inflammation. Researchers extracted celery juice, and found many occurring phytochemicals within celery juice, and research suggests; that they have the capacity to disrupt the body’s immune response.

Check out some of our favorite Celery juices here at Glowing!

Until next time!



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